LSCB-01 pet food cat treats chicken flavored grain free dog bone biscuits
The high sugar content in cat biscuits can boost energy in cats, and cats can efficiently digest glucose, sucrose, lactose and other sugars. Fresh minced meat is used in the biscuit recipe, which is rich in animal protein sources to ensure a balanced nutrition for pets and avoid damage to the pet’s digestive system and imbalance of intestinal flora due to malnutrition. In order to make up for the loss of heat-sensitive substances in hot baking, the cat treats produced by Shouguang New City adopt the processing technology of wrapping, and use the perfect combination of chicken oil, fish paste and chicken powder, which is evenly wrapped on the outer surface of the product, making the product The smell of fish is tangy and fragrant, which stimulates the cat’s appetite. At the same time, the taste of the product is more delicate, crisp and delicious. As a result, the product has good palatability and outstanding flavor, and well retains various nutrients in the raw material, which can fully mobilize the pet’s appetite and improve the palatability of the product.